Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Update to my LIFE

 Bitmoji Image

Guess who just a new #haircut? Yep. I finally took the plunge and got a #lob again.  Also toned my hair to one color. Anyone else tired of ombre, sombre, and wild highlights? Yeah, me neither. 😂 I'm just trying to figure out which shade and hue of blue I want to put as a highlight color. Anyone have any good suggestions on color or dye? On a slight budget. But who isn't? 😏

Lent Blog #1 Accountability PLEASE

Storm had me down. Not Out

Back at the BlogWorld

This winter has been rough by all every definition and connotation of that word, all transparency laid out for y'all.  As a Pentacostal Church of God Christian , we do the 21 day fast in January, but we were all sick, so I have decided to go with the flow and do what all a lot of my friends are doing and do Lent. It is not a big difference for me as in high school, going to a Southern Baptist church run by a converted Catholic and in college it was a trend I did Lent.

OMG! Did things go hay since I started to write this post and yet I feel the need to still post it and not make a new one.  Apparently, everyone is "doing Lent" this year and giving up alot this year, due to the Corona virus outbreak. Luckily none of my family have been infected but I had a horrendous cold that had me quaratined

Monday, February 10, 2020

Love this dress

This dress

Bible verse

I thought you'd like this Pin on Pinterest...
Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: 1 Timothy 1:19 KJV